Sunday, June 24, 2012

Days twenty-three and twenty-four Weight Loss Diary Blog

It's Day Twenty Four of my daily weight loss diary blog. Yesterday I was 204.6 and today I was 205.6. My 30 year reunion was last night and it was a complete blast. It was so good to see everyone and catch up with old friends. It felt like old times just with a bigger and better perspective on life. I am exhausted tonight, hence the late post. Til tomorrow!

CORRECTION: It was my 20 year reunion, not 30! Ha! I was so tired writing this!


  1. Ummmmm, please it was our 20 YEAR reunion, not 30! Let's not make us older than we are!

  2. Wow! It must have been one hell of a night if it added 10 years to the whole class!

  3. I also consume natural tea two periods in a day and its provide some great outcomes
    related to weight-loss, i think we should consume natural tea after lunchtime its create
    me mild when i consume it.
