Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wild Animals and Post Traumatic Stress

The Batavia Triathlon is 13 weeks away! I can’t believe it. That also means that SUMMER IS COMING! My favorite season and I can’t wait. Although I can’t complain because we have had an incredibly mild and warm Winter, which I’m hoping means the same thing for Spring and Summer. It’s 70 degrees today in Chicago in early March and I welcome it with open arms! I didn’t even need to wear anything other than a long sleeved t-shirt on my 3 mile run this morning at 5:30 a.m. Well and that and pants, of course. Wouldn’t that have been a sight to see! Ha!

My last three days of workouts have been extremely hard on me and I’m not sure why. I had a hot stone massage (oh yeah, baby) on Saturday and I am now paranoid that it weakened my muscles. My run on Sunday was agonizingly hard, although it was a trail run, which I never do. It was beautiful, by the way, and we saw a ton of deer, really close up. They did make me a little nervous though because they were really big and, um, wild animals! I was running with one of my best friends who I have been friends with since I was 11 years old and we often manage to get ourselves into sticky situations. We were chased by two Dobermans once when we were 12 - she on a bike with one pedal and me on a bike that was too big for me and I could barely reach the pedals. Probably not the best pair to navigate a trail full of deer (and God knows what else). I asked her if deer bite (as if she would know) and she was like, “Uh, I don’t think so?” with very little confidence. Needless to say, we must have looked nuts yelling and clapping, trying to scare the deer away. They were just looking at us like, “bitch, please.” I think I even saw one roll it’s eyes.

So, that was a tough run, then in Bootcamp on Monday I felt like it was Day One all over again. I huffed, and puffed and sweated like a beast through the whole thing. And then this morning, I struggled to make the entire three miles of my run and had to walk a couple of times. What is wrong with me? Hopefully by Bootcamp tomorrow night my body will shake whatever yuckiness it’s feeling and I’ll be back to my old self. Although Wednesday night Bootcamp is notoriously hard; so much so that we’ve renamed it Pukecamp. For good reason. At least I’m not letting this yuckiness keep me from working out. I just need to slug through it.

I had this really sad moment of post traumatic stress over the weekend. Like I said, I had a massage on Saturday that was part of a really fun day with my two best friends - fabulous (healthy) lunch and then to the spa. We lingered a little too long over lunch and had to high tail it to the spa which was across a very large mall. I, in typical fashion, had extremely inappropriate walking shoes on (5 inch wedge heel boots) and was falling behind them trying to make it to our appointments on time. I told them to run ahead and check us in and I’d meet them there. I didn’t want to try and run in those boots and risk injuring myself. That’s all I need. So they ran ahead and I plodded behind them. All of a sudden, I had this overwhelming feeling like I was going to cry and I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. I had to really stop and assess my feelings and I realized that I used to never be able to keep up with my very fit and active friends because I was too heavy. This time it wasn’t the weight holding me back, but I still had the same feeling. Now, my friends are amazing and never, ever made me feel badly for not being able to keep up in the past. They never even acknowledged it, but it was always the elephant in the room (no pun intended). But I always knew it was there and was always embarrassed by it. When I got to the spa behind them I told them about it and they both felt so badly. It really was a gift, though, because it was a clear demonstration of how far I’ve come and a heartbreaking reminder that the only time I ever want to fall behind again is because of fabulous shoes. That, I can live with.The alternative, I can't.

1 comment:

  1. If you would wear COMMON SENSE shoes this wouldn't happen. but does anyone ever listen to Mother, no, they just put her in the kitchen and say COOK.
