Thursday, September 15, 2011

They're Here...

I’m being haunted.

I can feel them just outside my door.

Their quiet whispers beckoning me.

The thought of them causes a physical reaction in me.

Cold sweats.

Hair standing up on the back of my neck.

They repulse me yet I can’t look away.

They’re heeeeeere.

Where’s that little scary lady from Poltergeist when I need her? I need her to exorcise these demons. The colorful, sprinkle-coated, frosting-laden demons. Wait, what? Frosting laden demons? Did I say demons? I meant cupcakes.

Why am I always being haunted by cupcakes? I love them so with their whimsical colors and sugary swoosh of frosting. Vanilla? Sure! Chocolate? Yum! Red Velvet? You betcha!

So, I’m sitting here. Eating my cucumber slices and hummus, which, don’t get me wrong, are delicious. But not a cupcake. And if I hadn’t cooked shrimp in white wine and butter (yes, real damn butter) with polenta yesterday and used up the majority of my overflow Weight Watchers Points and, oh, I don't know, NOT gone running yesterday, well, maybe I would have indulged myself in one of those little beauties. But nooooooo. I HAD to have a decadent dinner last night. I HAD to drink wine Monday and Tuesday nights. I HAD to blow off running yesterday to watch Survivor.

Okay, I didn’t HAVE to any of those things. But I chose to. So now I have to choose again. Eat the cupcake and pay the price. Or don’t eat the cupcake and save the rest of my overflow Weight Watcher points for my Dinner Club this weekend? It’s like spending money you don’t have. Put in on a credit card! Or in this case, put it on my hips!

Alright, dammit. I’m not going to eat the cupcake. There, I said it to all of you so now I can’t do it. This house is clean.

NB: Lost 1.2 pounds this week for a total of 5.2 in three weeks. That alone is worth not eating the cupcake.

1 comment:

  1. That's right, Jen!!! Keep up the good work (as I am thinking about going to get a hamburger... :-/) ... Okay, you are inspiring me not to!! :)
