Saturday, January 7, 2012

I was a "Fat Chef"? No one told me... I can finally share my HUGE news...for the last four months or so I've been working with the Food Network on a new show that is airing starting January 26. I am one of 12 Chefs who are working to lose weight and get healthy for their newest show called "Fat Chef." I will be on one of the last episodes! I can't say much else about it now but will keep you posted as to when my episode will air and once it does, I will restart my blog about my weight loss journey and my training for the upcoming Batavia Triathlon and the Fox Valley Half Marathon. Here is a link about the show for a little more info...stay tuned!


  1. So excited for you!! Now all they need to do is recognize the star you really are!!!

  2. I knew you had great news.. that's awesome!! Congrats!!! Remember the "little" people when you are all awesome and famous! tee hee!
